3 Mindset Changes to Make Before You Turn 40

3 Mindset Changes to Make Before You Turn 40

By Bryan Trugman, CFPⓇ The forties are an exciting chapter of life. New doors start to open as the fruits of our earlier efforts begin paying off. We may earn more and enjoy more recognition for our work. At the same time, turning 40 can serve as a rude awakening when...

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Where Do Family and Leisure Time Fit in Financial Planning?

Where Do Family and Leisure Time Fit in Financial Planning?

By Bryan Trugman, CFPⓇ We work with clients at various stages of life, some closer to retirement than others. When retirement is still 20 or more years away and seems far off, a question that comes up a lot is, what is the right balance between enjoying life today and...

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Looking Forward While Giving Back

Looking Forward While Giving Back

By Bryan Trugman, CFPⓇ At Attitude Financial Advisors, we believe that there is more to wealth than just building it, especially after the stress and uncertainty of the last two years. Our firm has a history of community involvement, and we’ve made giving back to...

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How to Fight With Your Spouse About Money

How to Fight With Your Spouse About Money

It’s no surprise that our personal values influence the way we spend and think about money. And when a couple’s personal values don’t align, conflict arises. But here’s something a lot of couples don’t realize: conflict is not a problem. In fact, financial tension can actually make a marriage stronger.

When you get married and start a family, you have to adapt to a new mindset where you no longer get to spend money solely on your own terms. Because of this, money can become a source of tension in a marriage. Sadly, many couples lack the maturity—and guidance—to manage this tension, making financial disagreements a top reason cited for divorce. But, we can help. Start by embracing your conflicts about money and use these tips to fight well.

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How To Know If Your Spending & Values Are Aligned

How To Know If Your Spending & Values Are Aligned

By Bryan Trugman, CFPⓇ You probably think your values align with spending. Most of us do. But we’re often wrong. Finding the right balance between enjoying the lifestyle you want today and planning for tomorrow can be tricky. The missing link is thinking about values....

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Reimagining Retirement: How Will You Fill The 40-Hour Gap?

Reimagining Retirement: How Will You Fill The 40-Hour Gap?

By Bryan Trugman, CFPⓇ Retirement means different things to different people. The data tell us that people are living longer and that 65 is the new 50. The next phase of life and retirement, we hope, can last another 20 to 30 years. We can only assume that people have...

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