Your 2025 Social Security Guide

Your 2025 Social Security Guide

By Bryan Trugman, CFPⓇ The years leading up to retirement can be a mix of excitement, stress, and uncertainty. You’re eager to embrace a new phase of life but may feel overwhelmed by the details, especially when it comes to Social Security. It can be disheartening...

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Can You Afford to Not Have a Long-Term Care Plan?

Can You Afford to Not Have a Long-Term Care Plan?

By Bryan Trugman, CFPⓇ You’ve probably heard the saying, “People don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan.” In our experience, overlooking long-term care expenses that you could incur later on in life is one of the biggest blind spots people have as they head into...

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Where Do Family and Leisure Time Fit in Financial Planning?

Where Do Family and Leisure Time Fit in Financial Planning?

By Bryan Trugman, CFPⓇ We work with clients at various stages of life, some closer to retirement than others. When retirement is still 20 or more years away and seems far off, a question that comes up a lot is, what is the right balance between enjoying life today and...

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Reimagining Retirement: How Will You Fill The 40-Hour Gap?

Reimagining Retirement: How Will You Fill The 40-Hour Gap?

By Bryan Trugman, CFPⓇ Retirement means different things to different people. The data tell us that people are living longer and that 65 is the new 50. The next phase of life and retirement, we hope, can last another 20 to 30 years. We can only assume that people have...

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